Map of Coastal Delaware Fire Control Tower LocationsThere were a total of 15 Fire Control Towers built within Fort Miles and along the Delaware coast during World War II to help protect Delaware Bay from the potential invasion of enemy ships. 11 of this network of towers are still standing and easily recognizabe. There were four built in southern New Jersey near Cape May, two of which are still standing, with one being easily recognizable. Although the towers were built with a life expectancy of 20 years they are still standing more than seven decades later. The following map (split in two parts for ease of posting) shows the location of the Fire Control Towers of coastal Delaware. 
The map segments above are from an informational "marker" such as this one at the base of Tower #12 in central Cape Henlopen State Park. This is the same as the marker found at the base of Tower #3 in the Delaware Seashore Park at Tower Road south of Dewey Beach. |