Restored Willys & Modern Jeep WranglerSimilar, sure - but what a difference between these two vehicles when seen sitting side by side. There is a 62 year time span between the manufacture of these two models but the "family resemblance" certainly is evident. The Willys is a 1950 model and the Wrangler is a 2012. Either one feels quite comfortable while visiting the Fort Miles site (at Cape Henlopen State Park) today but the Willys really seems like it "belongs" there - as an example of living history. 
While there is an obvious difference in size and "creature comforts," the Willys wins the "character" competition in this match-up.

These photos were taken during the first day of Cruisin' 2014 (Cruising Weekend) in Ocean City, MD, on May15, 2014. The drivers/owners met each other, by chance, at the Hooter's Lot in North Ocean City - where there is always a fine gathering of classic cars during the Spring and Fall automotive events.